Dreams Do Come True
The sun gently beamed through the open slits on her bedroom window, arousing her out of her slumber. This was her preferred alarm, nature signalling it was time for her day to begin as opposed to the raucous Apple tone. From the firm mattress she rose and her feet touched onto the plush mustard rug on top of the grey carpet.
She stood in the middle of her room, then positioned herself in front of her mirror so she could begin her day with some light breathing exercises, followed by positive affirmations. She stretched her long limbs above her head and brought them down to her braids and stroked them to their end at her waist. She reached for a hair band on her dresser, tied the loose braids into a high pony and winked with a slick coolness into the mirror.
The iPhone on the corner of her bedside began to chaotically sound and violently vibrate, this was her official alarm. She quickly tapped the screen to stop the harsh vibrations, picked up the device and turned on a pop song which she danced out of the room to.
Her morning routine continued as usual – hygiene, skincare, casual dressing and breakfast. Then she sat in front of her laptop, ready to call her editor and find out what she had thought of her latest draft. She sipped her peppermint tea and the the zoom dial-tone played and very soon after a cheery blonde woman with thinly framed glasses and a beige cardigan appeared before her. Alicia, her editor forwent all the formalities and began to praise the latest draft. This took Zuva by surprise, she didn’t even have a chance to respond before Alicia told her that this was the final draft needed, the book was ‘ready to publish’. Zuva knew this day would eventually come, but she hadn’t fathomed it’d be so soon.
It took a minute for the reality to sink, she had finally done it. She was going to print and all her dreams were coming true. The hardest story she ever had to tell was doing to be on the shelves by the end of summer. Alicia congratulated her several times before eventually leaving the meeting to get to her next client.
Zuva stood up in front of her laptop, closed it and went on to grabbing a light jacket and her keys before running out the door quickly and slamming it shut on her way out. She quickstepped down the stairs of her building until she was outside.
Once the fresh air hit her face and she was surrounded by open space, she squealed and shouted “I did it! I’m getting published.” She kept on repeating this statement as she ran down the busy streets of her borough. Some people congratulated her, whilst others met her with disapproving stares, but she did not care, this was the moment she’d worked so hard towards. She was finally going to be a published author.
The End